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The Day of His Youth

Autor: Alice Brown
Rok: 2023
EAN: 9990003840202
ISBN: 9788728119181
OKCZID: 129230020



\'The Day of His Youth\' is the story of Francis Hume who battles between his own personal guilt and his desire to seize the day, after his mother died during childbirth. Alice Brown is an American novelist and short-story writer. She is best known for her tales about New England and as a writer of local colour stories. Born in New Hampshire in 1857, Brown\'s stories often portray a female protagonist in a domestic setting. Her first novel, \'Stratford-by-the-Sea\', was published in 1884. It cemented Brown as part of the Boston literary scene, but by the time she died in 1948 (aged 91), many of her stories had been forgotten about and were no longer being published.

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