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Group Psychotherapy with Adult Children of Alcoholics: Treatment Techniques and Countertransference Considerations

Rok: 1993
ISBN: 9780898625332
OKCZID: 110201602

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
VANNICELLI, Marsha. Group psychotherapy with adult children of alcoholics: treatment techniques and countertransference considerations. London: Guilford Press, c1989. xvii, 222 s.


For all therapists who work with adult children of alcoholics (ACOAs), this comprehensive guide provides expert guidance in setting up and running a pscyhotherapy group. Successfully integrating theory and practice, the book surveys the current ACOA literature, explains the rationale for group therapy, describes how to set up a group, and suggests specific group leader techniques. Also included are insightful discussions on countertransference issues, the preparation and training of ACOA group leaders, and key areas for future research.

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