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Autor: Sirovátka, Tomáš
Rok: 2006
ISBN: 9788087029060
NKP-CNB: cnb001706440
OCLC Number: (OCoLC)123301791
OKCZID: 110004942
Vydání: Vyd. 1.
Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SIROVÁTKA, Tomáš. The challenge of social inclusion: minorities and marginalised groups in Czech society. Vyd. 1. Brno: Společnost pro odbornou literaturu - Barrister & Principal, 2006, 302 s. ISBN 80-87029-06-2.
The volume represents the first comprehensive and scholarly sound assessment of the sociopolitical and economic situation of marginalized groups in the post-communist Czech Republic in the English language. It also comprises a comparative aspect, taking into consideration the developments in other Central and Eastern European countries. As a whole, the volume represents a comprehensive case study of the development of the causes of social marginalization, and of conditions of the socially excluded, as well as related public policy responses in the Czech Republic. It applies a broad variety of methods from sociology, labour economics, social policy, social psychology, policy analysis, ethnology and other disciplines.