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Historijska traganja = Historical searches | ||
Rok: 2008 AnotaceAs early as in the ancient era, the region of Sarajevo had a distinct settlement and culture-related significance. This settlement-related tradition continued also in the new circumstances of antiquity. This is best manifested in Roman epigraphic inscriptions. These (mainly epigraphy) inscriptions contain the names of people who lived in the region of Sarajevo (the first inhabitants of this part of the world recorded by their own names), their origin, their way of life, as well as their social, political and economic positions. These inscriptions also provide information on municipal administrative organisation of the region of Sarajevo. The analysis of these inscriptions can lead one to conclude that the origin of individuals referred to is prevailingly local, i.e. Illyrian - Daesitiatian. They contain the record of some 20 named individuals in total, while for three-fourths of them one could assume that they belonged to domicile population originating from that very region. They also include the local elite represented by local officials of the Respublica of Aquae S..., with the region of Sarajevo under its jurisdiction. Besides these inscriptions, it is in the Roman coins and Roman tegulae that written traces of an ancient civilisation in the region of Sarajevo were found. All of this indicated a high level of settlement culture in the ancient era that also continued, although in new circumstances, during the Middle Ages. Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU |