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Brokennes and blessing : towards a biblical spirituality

Autor: Young, Frances M.
Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9780801035043
OKCZID: 110706660

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
YOUNG, Frances M. Brokenness and blessing: towards a biblical spirituality. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2007. 140 s.



It is profoundly difficult, says Frances Young, "to live with our vulnerability and mortality--how we question and rebel, as we are overwhelmed by grief and distress." Offering both a realistic view of the human condition and the wonderful gift of grace that brings hope of transformation, Young challenges the culture that believers have assimilated. Drawing upon her personal experiences and her knowledge of Scripture, ancient Christianity, and the great hymns of faith, Young offers this academic yet deeply pastoral guide for thinking and living as a Christian. Students of early Christianity, seminarians, pastors, and serious readers will appreciate this insightful look at how acceptance of disability can bring blessing in the lives of believers.

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