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Nonimaging optics

Autor: Roland Winston, Juan C. Miñano, Pablo Benítez, Narkis Shatz, John C. Bortz
Rok: 2005
ISBN: 9780127597515
OKCZID: 110364715

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
WINSTON, Roland, WELFORD, W. T., ed., MIÑANO, Juan C., ed. a BENÍTEZ, Pablo, ed. Nonimaging optics [elektronický zdroj]. Burlington, MA: Elsevier Academic Press, c2005. 1 online zdroj (xi, 497 p.).



From its inception nearly 30 years ago, the optical subdiscipline now referred to as nonimaging optics, has experienced dramatic growth. The term nonimaging optics is concerned with applications where imaging formation is not important but where effective and efficient collection , concentration, transport and distribution of light energy is - i.e. solar energy conversion, signal detection, illumination optics, measurement and testing. This book will incorporate the substantial developments of the past decade in this field. * Includes all substantial developments of the past decade in the rapidly moving field of nonimaging optics* The only authoritative reference on nonimaging optics, from the leader in the field

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