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Statistics for sports and exercise science | |||||
Autor: Newell, John AnotaceStatistics in Sport and Exercise Science assumes no prior knowledge of statistics and uses real-life case studies to introduce the importance of statistics in sport and exercise science. Statistical tests and techniques are described here in a friendly and easy-to-understand manner, giving you the confidence to analyses data and complete your own statistical studies. This is the best statistics text I have come across in 7 years of teaching on undergraduate sport degrees. Students have always struggled to see the application of statistics to their degree Statistics for Sports and Exercise Science eliminates this problem, - Dr Mick Wilkinson, Department of Sport Sciences, Northumbria University "Easily the best book in the area, specific material for sport students."- Dr Rodney Kennedy, School of Sport Studies, University of Ulster "I really like the Newell book and will definitely be recommending it to the students on my two research methods modules...The information in the book is first class." - Dr Adrian W Midgley, Department of Sport, Health and Exercise Science, University of Hull Incredibly easy to read, full of real-life examples, and very much appropriate for Sports Science students. - Dr Kate Reed, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Essex Dostupné zdroje