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Materials for civil and construction engineers

Autor: Mamlouk, Michael S. a Zaniewski, John P.
Rok: 2011
ISBN: 9780136110583
NKP-CNB: 001141564
OKCZID: 110850813

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
MAMLOUK, Michael S. Materials for civil and construction engineers. 3rd ed. Cape Town: Prentice Hall, c2011. xvii, 582 s.

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Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers, 3/e is ideal for courses in Civil Engineering Materials, Construction Materials, and Construction Methods and Materials offered in Civil, Environmental, or Construction engineering departments. This introduction gives students a basic understanding of the material selection process and the behavior of materials — a fundamental requirement for all civil and construction engineers performing design, construction, and maintenance. The authors cover the various materials used by civil and construction engineers in one useful reference, limiting the vast amount of information available to the introductory level, concentrating on current practices, and extracting information that is relevant to the general education of civil and construction engineers. A large number of experiments, figures, sample problems, test methods, and homework problems gives students opportunity for practice and review.

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