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The great Gatsby

Autor: Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9780140620184
NKP-CNB: boa001-mzk01000991070
OKCZID: 110534912

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
FITZGERALD, Francis Scott. The great Gatsby. London: Penguin Books, 1994. 187 stran. Penguin popular classics.

Hodnocení: 3.5 / 5 (15 hlasů)



Jay Gatsby is the man who has everything. But one thing will always be out of his reach...Everybody who is anybody is seen at his glittering parties. Day and night his Long Island mansion buzzes with bright young things drinking, dancing and debating his mysterious character. For Gatsby - young, handsome, fabulously rich - always seems alone in the crowd, watching and waiting, though no one knows what for. Beneath the shimmering surface of his life he is hiding a secret: a silent longing that can never be fulfilled. And soon this destructive obsession will force his world to unravel.

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Československá bibliografická databáze

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