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Henry VIII and His Six Wives: 700 Headwords (Oxford Bookworms ELT)

Rok: 2001
ISBN: 9780194231534
NKP-CNB: boa001-mzk01000997153
OKCZID: 110114616

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HARDY-GOULD, Janet. Henry VIII and his six wives [zvukový záznam]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, c2001. 1 zvuková kazeta (ca 28 min.). Oxford bookworms library. Stage 2.

Hodnocení: 5.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



There were six of them - three Katherines, two Annes, and a Jane. One of them was the King's wife for twenty-four years, another for only a year and a half. One died, two were divorced, and two were beheaded. It was a dangerous, uncertain life. After the King's death in 1547, his sixth wife finds a box of old letters - one from each of the first five wives. They are sad, angry, frightened letters. They tell the story of what it was like to be the wife of Henry VIII of England.

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