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World resources 1994-95 : a report

Rok: 1994
ISBN: 9780195210453
OCLC Number: (OCoLC)31966970
OKCZID: 110692804

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
World resources 1994-95: a report. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994, 400 s. ISBN 0-19-521045-X.



The latest edition of an internationally acclaimed assessment of the world's natural resource base. Featured topics in this edition are rapid population growth in developing countries, the voracious consumption of natural resources in industrialized countries, and the role of women in sustainable economic growth in developing countries. Updated figures in the book's unique data tables on economic, population, environmental, and natural resource conditions. World Resources 1994-5 is the sixth edition in an award-winning series that is an authoritative assessment of the world's resource base. This edition features chapters on the voracious consumption of resources in industrialized countries, the rapid growth of populations in developing countries, the importance of women in sustaining economic growth in developing countries, and on china and India. The unique and valuable data tables in previous editions have been updated for 153 countries. Also updated are summaries of global conditions and trends for more than a dozen key topics, including population and health, food and agriculture, oceans and coasts, energy, wildlife and habitat, and forests and rangelands.

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