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The German left : red, green and beyond

Autor: Markovits, Andrei S.
Rok: 1993
ISBN: 9780195210538
OKCZID: 110620665

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
MARKOVITS, Andrei S. The German left: red, green and beyond. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. xiii, 393 s. Europe and the international order.



This comprehensive, richly detailed history and political analysis of the German Left since 1945 focuses on the emergence of the Greens as the most influential anti-establishment party in Europe and possibly in the industrial, capitalist world, and shows how this process has fundamentally changed politics in the Federal Republic, transformed the style and output of one of the most important and traditional Lefts in Europe, and provided the most prominent and potent expression of "postmodern" politics in the advanced capitalist states. Uniquely broad in scope, the book gives special consideration to the East German Left and to the revolutionary changes of 1989-90 while revealing political and social implications, present and future, far beyond the immediate German context. An imaginative, insightful study of a topic of great interest to students, this book is an important resource for courses in comparative politics, political economy, and political sociology.

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