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Bird ecology and conservation : a handbook of techniques

Autor: William J. Sutherland, Ian Newton, Rhys Green
Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9780198520863
NKP-CNB: boa001-muni.000707005
OKCZID: 110194536

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SUTHERLAND, William J., ed., NEWTON, Ian, ed. a GREEN, Rhys, ed. Bird ecology and conservation: a handbook of techniques. New York [N.Y.]: Oxford University Press, c2004. xv, 386 s. Techniques in ecology and conservation series, 1.



In this intensely practical handbook, a team of leading ornithologists describe a wide range of standard methods that can be applied to the study of avian ecology and conservation. Topics covered range from surveys and tracking and handling to breeding biology, foraging behavior, and migration. Chapters on conservation techniques describe how to assess species over-exploitation, the methods available for the intensive conservation of endangered species, and the principles involved in the maintenance and restoration of habitats. This comprehensive synthesis will be essential reading for graduate students and researchers as well as a valuable resource for environmental consultants and professional conservationists worldwide. Bird Ecology and Evolution is the first title in a new series of practical handbooks which include titles focusing on specific taxonomic groups as well as those describing broader themes and subjects. William J. Sutherland is the series editor.

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