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The structure and dynamics of geographic ranges

Autor: Gaston, Kevin J.
Rok: 2003
ISBN: 9780198526414
ISBN: 9780198526407
OKCZID: 110113908

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GASTON, Kevin J. The structure and dynamics of geographic ranges. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. x, 266 s. Oxford series in ecology and evolution.



No species occurs everywhere. Indeed, the majority are absent from most places, and where they do occur they are usually quite rare. Gaston discusses the structure of these distributions - the structure of the geographic ranges of species. Gaston is particularly concerned with the factors that determine the limits to a species' geographic range, how the sizes of those ranges vary, and patterns in that variation. Also considered are the distribution of individuals amongst those sites where a species does occur and what determines that distribution, and some of the practical implications of all these. Both in a pure and applied context, ecologists need a broader perspective on their subject matter than has historically prevailed. This book provides one such perspective. A must have book for any researchers and graduate students studying macroecology, biogeography and conservation biology.

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