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Autor: Lundestad, Geir
Rok: 2005, c2003
ISBN: 9780199283972
OKCZID: 110129637
Vydání: 1st pub. in pbk. 2005
Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LUNDESTAD, Geir. The United States and Western Europe since 1945: from "Empire" by invitation to transatlantic drift. 1st pub. in pbk. 2005. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005, c2003. xiii, 331 s.
Based on new and existing research by a world-class scholar, this is the first book in 20 years to examine the dynamics of the American-European relationship since 1945. Lundestad examines how the relationship between the United States and Europe is becoming increasingly strained, and offers a topical view of the future of this relationship.