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Data Protection: A Practical Guide to UK and EU Law

Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9780199563548
OKCZID: 110403898

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
CAREY, Peter. Data protection: a practical guide to UK and EU law. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. xlvii, 529 s.



Now in its third edition, this invaluable handbook offers practical solutions to issues arising in relation to data protection law. It is fully updated and expanded to include coverage of all of the significant developments in the practice of data protection, and takes account of the wealth of guidance published by the Information Commissioner since the last edition. The third edition includes new material on the changes to the Commissioner's powers and new guidance from the Commissioner's office, coverage of new cases on peripheral aspects of data protection compliance and examples of enforcement, the new code on CCTV processing, the new employment code, clarification on the definition of "personal data", the binding corporate rules on the exemption to the export data ban and the new ICT set of model contractual provisions for data exports, and the proposed action by the EU against the UK for failing to implement the Data Protection Directive appropriately. There are new chapters on terminology and data security.

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