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Social movements in a globalizing world

Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9780333739815
ISBN: 9780230235311
OCLC Number: (OCoLC)317926984
OKCZID: 110041940

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
PORTA, Donatella della., ed., KRIESI, Hanspeter., ed. a RUCHT, Dieter., ed. Social movements in a globalizing world. Basingstoke: Palgrave, c1999. xiv, 256 s.



The growing interdependence on a global scale, which characterizes the human condition at the turn of the century, constitutes a challenge for both the mobilization of social movements and social movement theory. The present volume attempts to adjust the perspective of the 'political process' approach to a world in which political opportunities, mobilizing structures, framing processes and collective action of social movements are no longer confined to national political contexts. The contributors discuss various implications of a globalizing world on the mobilization for collective action within national contexts (cross-national diffusion of protest, inter-national opportunities and constraints for national mobilization, national social movements engaged in two-level games, as well as new forms of mobilization beyond the nation-state) as well as the creation of transnational mobilizing structures, collective action for supranational issues and the mobilization of social movements in the supranational arena.

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