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Contextualizing Family Planning: Truth, Subject, and the Other in the U.S. Government | |||||
Rok: 2009 AnotaceThis book is a critical analysis of the technologies of identity-formation in governmental family planning policy. Panu argues that in order for contemporary liberalism to govern legitimately, governmental discourses have to create and subsequently alienate certain identities as “other” that is, as the polar opposite of the good, normal citizen. These identities usually center on the poor, the racialised, and the gendered. These arguably discriminatory practices are illustrated through the investigation of the U.S. bio- and anatomo-politics of reproduction in the national family planning strategy, in an analytical framework that relates them to the welfare benefit policies in the same country. Panu argues that as long as neo-liberal governmental apparatuses map and rule society using this combination of “othering” and foundational assumptions, each governmental intervention reinforces the systems that make domination, inequality, and exclusion possible Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU Dostupné zdroje