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We Who Wrestle With God

Autor: Jordan B. Peterson
Rok: 2024
ISBN: 9780241619636
OKCZID: 129243443



The revolutionary new offering from Jordan B. Peterson, renowned psychologist and author of the global bestsellers 12 Rules for Life and Beyond Order. In We Who Wrestle with God, Jordan Peterson guides us through the ancient, foundational stories of the Western world, analyzing the Biblical accounts of rebellion, sacrifice, suffering and triumph that stabilize, inspire and unite us, culturally and psychologically. Adam and Eve and the eternal fall of mankind; the resentful and ultimately murderous war of Cain and Abel; the cataclysmic flood of Noah, the spectacular collapse of the Tower of Babel; Abraham’s terrible adventure, and the epic of Moses and the Israelites: What could such stories possibly mean? What force wrote and assembled them, over the long centuries? How did they bring our spirits and the world together, and point us in the same direction? It is time for us to understand such things, scientifically and spiritually; to become conscious of the structure of our souls and our societies – to see ourselves and others as if for the first time. Join Elijah as he discovers the Voice of God in the dictates of his own conscience, and Jonah, confronting hell itself, in the belly of the whale, because he failed to listen and act. Set yourself straight in intent, aim and purpose, as you begin to more deeply understand the structure of your society and your soul. Journey with Jordan Peterson through the greatest stories ever told. Dare to wrestle with God.

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