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The Berry Pickers

Autor: Amanda Peters
ISBN: 9780241692448
OKCZID: 129216844



WINNER OF THE BARNES & NOBLE DISCOVER PRIZELONGLISTED FOR AN ANDREW CARNEGIE MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN FICTIONOne family's deepest pain. Another family's darkest secret.On a hot day in 1960s Maine, six-year-old Joe watches his little sister Ruthie, sitting on her favourite rock at the edge of the blueberry fields, while their family, Mi'kmaq people from Nova Scotia, pick fruit. That afternoon, Ruthie vanishes without a trace. As the last person to see her, Joe will be forever haunted by grief, guilt, and the agony of imagining how his life could have been.In an affluent suburb nearby, Norma is growing up as the only child of unhappy parents. She is smart, precocious, and bursting with questions she isn't allowed to ask - questions about her missing baby photos; questions about her dark skin; questions about the strange, vivid dreams of campfires and warm embraces that return night after night. Norma senses there are things her parents aren't telling her, but it will take decades to unravel the secrets they have kept buried since she was a little girl.The Berry Pickers is an exquisitely moving story of unrelenting hope, unwavering love, and the power of family - even in the face of grief and betrayal.'Marvellous ... Amanda Peters is going to be the next big thing ... The Berry Pickers is a triumph' Katherena Vermette, author of The Strangers

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