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Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students

Rok: 1995
ISBN: 9780316801355
NKP-CNB: boa001-mzk01001319802
OKCZID: 110583989

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SNELL, Richard S. Clinical anatomy for medical students. 5th ed. London: Little, Brown, c1995. x, 898 s.



The most popular anatomy book in the world is now available in its fifth edition, featuring substantial structural, design, and artwork changes. The book provides students with the basic knowledge of anatomy necessary for clinical practice, in a modern and eye-catching manner. Designed for easy access and fast retrieval of information, each chapter contains eight distinct sections: clinical example, chapter outline, chapter objectives, basic anatomy, surface anatomy, clinical notes, anatomical clinical problems, and national board-type questions. Dr. Snell emphasizes the relevance of basic anatomy to establish a core of anatomic knowledge that will serve physicians throughout their professional lives.

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