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Software Engineering (7th Edition)

Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9780321210265
OKCZID: 110245301

Hodnocení: 3.5 / 5 (6 hlasů)



This best-selling book provides a comprehensive discussion of software engineering techniques and their application in practical software projects. This book takes a broad-perspective to software engineering, offering readers solid coverage of the software process and software process technology, system integration, requirements management, and risk analysis, as well as pattern-based reuse, distributed system engineering, and legacy systems. Sommerville has incorporated coverage of new software development paradigms, namely agile methods and component-based software engineering, along with dependibilty issues--availability, security, and critical systems--making the book more in tune with current technology and practice. This book is designed for readers needing a general introduction to software engineering (development, management, and evolution), especially with regard to system requirements engineering and critical systems.

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