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Autor: Woods, Barbara
Rok: c2001
ISBN: 9780340844946
OKCZID: 110950907
Vydání: 1st pub.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
WOODS, Barbara. Sport. 1st pub. London: Hodder and Stoughton, c2001. 139 s. Psychology in practice.



Psychology in Practice is the definitive six-part series on the practical applications of psychology to areas of everyday life, overcoming crime, education, health, sport organizations and the environment. Each book in the series examines one unit of the Applications of Psychology section of the OCR Syllabus. Sport is an increasingly important part of our daily lives, for recreation, education and healthy living. Media coverage of sporting celebrities and events is also widespread, and raises all sorts of questions about the psychology of sport. Psychology in Practice: Sport explores issues of leadership, coaching, aggression and social influence within the field. This much-needed study guides students through the e perspectives, methodologies and ethical issues involved in sport.

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