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A-Z handbook chemistry : digital edition

Autor: J. A. Hunt
Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9780340991008
OKCZID: 110752106

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HUNT, J. A. A-Z handbook chemistry: digital edition. 4th ed. Deddington: Philip Allan Updates, 2009. v, 407 s.



The A-Z Chemistry Handbook explains all the key terms in your advanced course, and has been completely updated for the new AS and A2 specifications, Scottish Highers, the IB and the Pre-U. Each entry begins with a clear definition and is followed by explanation, worked examples and cross-references where relevant. The handbook provides expert advice from a leading author that will help familiarize you with the language of chemistry--the more important the term, the more detailed the entry. It is invaluable for students of all pre-university courses, as well as undergraduates.This new digital edition includes free access to a supporting website to make searching for terms even quicker, and a free desktop widget to bring concise definitions instantly to your fingertips.

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