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Immune consequences of trauma, shock, and sepsis : mechanisms and therapeutic approaches

Rok: c1989
ISBN: 9780387190099
ISBN: 9783540190097
OKCZID: 110323772

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
FAIST, Eugen, ed., NINNEMANN, John L., ed. a GREEN, Douglas R., ed. Immune consequences of trauma, shock, and sepsis: mechanisms and therapeutic approaches. Berlin: Springer, c1989. XX, 563 s.



Sepsis and infection are the major enemies of the intensive care patient in whom immunological defenses are severely impaired. This major problem is thefocus of attention in this book, based on the presentation of the First International Congress on the Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock, and Sepsis, which is one of the first attempts to exchange ideas on the state-of-the-art in this area of immunology. Both basic and clinical research, including new centres of attention, are described. The growing role of immunology in medicine opens new avenues to the under- standing of trauma and sepsis and will allow the design of novel therapeutic approaches.

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