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Advanced organic chemistry, Part B: Reactions and synthesis

Autor: Carey, Francis A.
Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9780387683546
OKCZID: 110462135
Vydání: 5th ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
CAREY, Francis A. Advanced organic chemistry. 5th ed. [New York]: Springer, c2007. xxx, 1321 s.



The two-part, fifth edition of Advanced Organic Chemistry has been substantially revised and reorganized for greater clarity. The material has been updated to reflect advances in the field since the previous edition, especially in computational chemistry. Part B describes the most general and useful synthetic reactions, organized on the basis of reaction type. It can stand-alone; together, with Part A: Structure and Mechanisms, the two volumes provide a comprehensive foundation for the study in organic chemistry. Companion websites provide digital models for students and exercise solutions for instructors.

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