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The ASCRS Manual of Colon and Rectal Surgery

Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9780387734385
OKCZID: 110819204

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BECK, David E., ed. The ASCRS manual of colon and rectal surgery. New York, NY: Springer, c2009. xxvi, 1046 s.


The ASCRS Textbook of Surgery of the Colon and Rectum offers a comprehensive textbook designed to provide state of the art information to residents in training and fully trained surgeons seeking recertification. The textbook also supports the mission of the ASCRS to be the world’s authority on colon and rectal disease. The combination of junior and senior authors selected from the membership of the ASCRS for each chapter will provide a comprehensive summary of each topic and allow the touch of experience to focus and temper the material. This approach should provide the reader with a very open minded, evidence based approach to all aspects of colorectal disease. Derived from the textbook, The ASCRS Manual of Surgery of the Colon and Rectum offers a “hands on” version of the textbook, written with the same comprehensive, evidence-based approach but distilled to the clinical essentials. In a handy pocket format, readers will find the bread and butter information for the broad spectrum of practice. In a consistent style, each chapter outlines the condition or procedure being discussed in a concise outline format – easy to read, appropriately illustrated and referenced.

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