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Wildlife and Landscape Ecology: Effects of Pattern and Scale

Rok: 1997
ISBN: 9780387947891
OKCZID: 110182660

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BISSONETTE, John A., ed. Wildlife and landscape ecology: effect of pattern and scale : second annual meeting of the Wildlife Society in Portland, Oregon in September of 1995. New York: Springer, 1997. xii, 410 s.

Hodnocení: 4.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



Ecologists increasingly recognize the importance of scale in our understanding of nature. Landscape ecology in particular emphasizes temporal and spatial scales. While research and management of wildlife has traditionally emphasized studies at smaller scales, it is now acknowledged that larger, landscape-level patterns strongly influence demographic processes in wild animal species. This book is the first to provide the conceptual basis for learning how larger scale patterns and processes can influence the biology and management of wildlife species. It is divided into three sections: * Underlying Concepts * Landscape Metrics * Applications and Large Scale Management Wildlife and Landscape Ecology will be welcomed by scientists and managers with interest in and responsibility for the health of wild populations and their role in ecosystems.

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