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The Challenge of Democracy

Rok: 1992
ISBN: 9780395472873
OKCZID: 110149602

Hodnocení: 4.5 / 5 (6 hlasů)



The Seventh Edition of The Challenge of Democracy maintains the framework that explores two themes: freedom, order, and equality as political values; and the majoritarianism vs. pluralism debate, but also examines the impact that globalization has on the American political system. In the Post 9/11 Update, the authors examine the September 11 attacks and their impact on American politics. These updates will reflect the thematic framework of the text and be integrated throughout this updated version. In-text icons integrate the Real Deal UpGrade CD-ROM with the text and internet exercises.Politics in a Changing World boxed features appear in every other chapter and highlight how American politics affect the world and how the world's politics affect the United States.Can You Explain Why? features challenge students to use critical-thinking skills to explain a political paradox.Politics in a Changing America features highlight changes in the political opportunity and participation of minority groups.Compared with What boxes ask students to evaluate facets of the American political system in relation to those of other countries.

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