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Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology

Rok: 1991
ISBN: 9780397510399
OKCZID: 110380044

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HARVEY, Richard A., ed., CHAMPE, Pamela C., ed., MYCEK, Mary Julia, ed., GERTNER, Sheldon B., ed., et al. Pharmacology. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott company, c 1992. xvi, 458 s. Lippincott´s illustrated reviews.



Students and faculty alike have attested to the extraordinary success rate of the Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews--the unparalleled review texts that clarify the essentials students need to know for the Boards through an easy-to-use outline format and illustration program. Designed and edited by top educators in their specialties, these books provide the ideal way for students to master exactly what they need to know in their current study of biochemistry, pharmacology, immunology, and microbiology.The Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews help the student tie together the visual and cognitive elements of learning for superior recognition and recall. Each book in the series features hundreds of illustrations, carefully crafted to complement and amplify the text and completely integrated with the text. Board-type questions, with detailed explanations of the answers, are included with each chapter. A unique Infolink cross-referencing system between the Biochemistry and Pharmacology volumes and between the Immunology and Microbiology volumes enables students to interrelate these disciplines.

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