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Management of Common Musculoskeletal Disorders: Physical Therapy Principles and Methods

Rok: 1990
ISBN: 9780397548057
OKCZID: 110861029



This is the leading textbook of orthopaedic physical therapy. The consistent format first introduces the basic concepts of conservative management of musculoskeletal problems, then discusses each region. Regional chapters cover functional anatomy and biomechanics, evaluation, and management of common lesions. The material presented on evaluation and treatment is explained in a step-by-step format, making it clear, logical, and easy to follow. An abundance of illustrations and photographs highlight treatment techniques; and an extensive list of references help correlate research with physical therapy practice. A wealth of new knowledge makes the third edition truly comprehensive. New chapters in this edition: Properties of Dense Connective Tissue and Wound Healing, The Thoracic Spine, and The Sacroiliac Joint and the Lumbar-Pelvic-Hip Complex. The ankle and hindfoot chapter has been expanded to cover the lower leg and forefoot. Other features include: new visuals - 98 new line drawings and 293 new halftones enhance the text, especially therapeutic procedures; new discussion of joint stabilization techniques and the role of exercise, reflects current practice; and new chapter outlines at the beginning of each chapter.

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