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Neurological Emergencies

Autor: Shorvon, S. D.
Rok: 1989
ISBN: 9780407008731
OKCZID: 110621626

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SHORVON, S. D. Neurological Emergencies. London: Butterworths, 1989. x, 108 stran.



Approximately 10% of all emergency medical admissions are due to neurological disease. This reference textbook outlines the initial assessment and early treatment of patients with neurological emergencies. The emphasis is on those clinical features that assist rapid diagnosis, emergency investigations and early treatment, and those situations in which urgent neurological or neurosurgical referral is advisable. The book has been aimed principally at the non-specialist who will first receive the patient, such as the casualty officer or general medical team, and junior neurologists and candidates studying for the MRCP.

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