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Contemporary translation theories

Autor: Gentzler, Edwin.
Rok: 1993.
ISBN: 9780415091725
ISBN: 9780415091718
OKCZID: 110334997

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GENTZLER, Edwin. Contemporary translation theories. New York: Routledge, 1993. XIV, 224 s. Translation studies [Routledge].



In this introduction to the history of translation theory, Edwin Gentzler explores the strengths and weaknesses of the five important approaches that have developed in translation studies over the last 30 years: American translation workshop; "science of translation"; translation studies; polysystems theory; deconstruction. Tracing the connections and overlaps between the different schools of thought, the author challenges many of their assumptions and illustrates the importance of translation theory to the current debates on the nature of language. By demonstrating how translation theories relate to the fields of linguistics, literary and cultural theory, Gentzler offers new insights into the nature of translation and into the nature of language and cross-cultural communication. "Contemporary Translation Theories" should provide a prime resource for students of translation, linguistics and literary theory, serving them both as a beginner's guide and subsequently as a reference source.

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