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Color, the film reader

Autor: Angela Dalle Vacche, Brian Price
Rok: 2006
ISBN: 9780415324427
OKCZID: 110077815
Vydání: 1st publ.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
DALLE VACCHE, Angela, ed. a PRICE, Brian, ed. Color : the film reader. 1st publ. New York: Routledge, 2006. p. cm. In focus: Routledge film readers.



The first anthology devoted to the subject of color in film. Thematic sections will address the development of color technology and how visual style was affected by the shift from black and white to color; look at color in film theory, including writings from auteurs such as Bresson, Eisenstein and Oshima on the subject; and finally, there will be a number of case studies of color in films by Godard, Hitchcock, Almodovar and others.

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