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Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management: Strategic Management of Knowledge Resources (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies)

Rok: 2008
ISBN: 9780415403924
OKCZID: 110208770



It is widely held that the successful management of knowledge resources within industry creates value. However, how this value is created is less clear. This book explores the management of knowledge resources in organisations. Several of the frameworks which have been created around the world to manage knowledge resources are examined and the book contains several examples of these frameworks in action in order to assess their relevance. The author revolutionizes the measurement and management of intellectual capital and knowledge resources by establishing the important link between organisational strategy and the intellectual capital of an organisation. Drawing on previously established frameworks, Ricceri creates a framework for the Strategic Management of Knowledge Resources. Ricceri’s thorough analysis of the subject includes analysis and discussion of issues such as resources dynamics and stakeholder engagement.

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