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Employment Law Pb (Textbook Series)

Rok: 1998
ISBN: 9780421619807
OKCZID: 110215427

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
DESMOND, Helen. Employment law. London: Sweet and Maxwell, 1998. lvi, 546 s. Sweet & Maxwell's textbook series.



Employment Law provides the reader with a clear, logical and progressive approach to the subject. Like all books in the Textbook Series it sets out a clear framework for the law without sacrificing the detail which is required for a proper understanding of the subject. The primary focus of this text is the individual employment relationship and the associated issues. The work covers such areas as the creation and key terms of the contract of employment, pay, discrimination, termination at common law and unfair dismissal, economic dismissal including transfer of undertakings, and the law relating to pregnancy and childbirth. * The new edition has been updated to incorporate recent UK and European case law developments and legislation, including the Employment Act 2002 * Enhanced by bi-annual online updates that will keep the text up-to-date

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