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Neuro-musculoskeletal clinical tests : a clinician's guide | ||
Autor: Richard Day, John Fox, Graeme Paul-Taylor AnotaceNEUROMUSCULOSKELETAL CLINICAL TESTS: A CLINICIAN'S GUIDE is an essential tool for both students and clinicians working in the orthopaedic/musculoskeletal field. Recalling, applying and interpreting correctly the vast range of clinical tests is a difficult task for even the most experienced clinician. This exceptionally practical book provides a suitable selection of clinical tests, which can be used in either the academic or clinical setting. Consistently structured for easy referral, the text covering each test contains 3 sections – introduction, procedure and findings with interpretations – all backed up by detailed images. This clearly illustrates both the theoretical and practical information for every clinical test included. Highly illustrated with clear step-by-step guidance Places each clinical test in context Sensitivity and specificity values of particular tests A guide to understanding sensitivity and specificity Spiral-binding allows for easy, lie-flat reference Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU |