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Blind alleys in social psychology : a search for ways out

Autor: Eskola, Antti
Rok: 1988
ISBN: 9780444703606
OKCZID: 110573575

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ESKOLA, Antti. Blind alleys in social psychology: a search for ways out. Amsterdam [etc.]: North-Holland, 1988. 323 s. Advances in psychology, 48.



Real advances are not made in blind alleys (or culs-de-sac). In Social Psychology, as in every branch of science, the paths which appear to offer progress do not always result in theoretical elegance. Certain basic problems persistently defy final solution.This volume surveys the foundations and methods of Social Psychology with the aim of identifying ways out of the research maze. It examines the history and traditions of the field, looks at methodology and conceptual schemes, and discusses the actual research methods used.

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