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After the fall : the pursuit of democracy in Central Europe

Autor: Goldfarb, Jeffrey C.
Rok: c1992
ISBN: 9780465016051
OCLC Number: (OCoLC)24430497
OKCZID: 110411624

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GOLDFARB, Jeffrey C. After the fall: the pursuit of democracy in Central Europe. New York: BasicBooks, c1992, 267 s. ISBN 0-465-01605-7.



This first-hand account of the ongoing struggle for democracy in post-communist Europe is based on the author's 20 years spent in Central Europe. Jeffrey C. Goldfarb has inside knowledge of people and events - he counts among his friends many of the luninaries of the dissident movement. Goldfarb ponders the remaining differences between Left and Right, the demise of Marxism, the danger of xenophobic nationalism, the role of the Church and the possibilities for Western democracy in an area that has been set adrift in a new world.

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