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Rainfall-runoff modelling : the primer

Autor: K. J. Beven
Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9780470866719
OKCZID: 110581000

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BEVEN, Keith J. Rainfall-runoff modelling: the primer. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, c2001. xi, 360 s.



Amid climatic changes linked to global warming, on-going changes in land-use patterns, and growing concern with hydrology as an international issue, it is increasingly important to understand the potential impact of these changes on the water environment. Rainfall-runoff modeling is an important predictor of that impact.This book provides a summary of the development of rainfall-runoff models, giving examples of their practical applications. It introduces the different techniques for rainfall-runoff modeling, based upon the most recent research, but in a way that serves as a primer for the subject.Provides an overview of how catchment rainfall-runoff systems workA history of rainfall-runoff modelsExamples of models which can be downloaded over the InternetLooks at uncertainty in model prediction

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