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Environmental organic chemistry

Autor: Schwarzenbach, René P.
Rok: 1992
ISBN: 9780471839415
OKCZID: 110626396

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SCHWARZENBACH, René P, GSCHWEND, Philip M., ed. a IMBODEN, Dieter M., ed. Environmental organic chemistry. 1. vyd. New York: Wiley, 1993. 681 s.


This study emonstrates how the chemical structure of organic compounds influences the molecular interactions which control transfer and reaction processes in the natural environment. Thorough explanations of how to quantify these processes using the principles of chemistry, physics and biology in a macroscopic environmental system are given, and the volume focuses on the behaviour of major synthetic organic chemicals introduced in large quantities into the environment. The book contains more than 100 illustrations, an extensive bibliography and useful reference material such as constants, units and equations. It will serve as a text for introductory courses in environmental organic chemistry as well as a source of information for the professional concerned with risk and hazard assessment of organic chemical pollutants in the environment.

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