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Drug benefits and risks : international textbook of clinical pharmacology

Rok: c2001
ISBN: 9780471899273
OKCZID: 110190439

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BOXTEL, Christoffel Jos van, ed., SANTOSO, B., ed. a EDWARDS, I. Ralph, ed. Drug benefits and risks: international textbook of clinical pharmacology. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, c2001. xv, 717 s.



This is an inclusive reference exploring the scientific basis and practice of drug therapy. The key concept is to look at the balance between the benefits and risks of drugs but in this context also the social impact which drugs have in modern societies is highlighted. Taking an evidence-based approach to the problem, the practice of clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy in the developing as well as the developed world is examined. For this purpose the book Covers general clinical pharmacology, pharmacology of various drug groups and the treatments specific to various diseases Gives guidance on how doctors should act so that drugs can be used effectively and safely Encourages the rational use of drugs in society This book brings together a large amount of excellent content that will be invaluable for anyone working within, or associated with, the field of clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy - undergraduates, postgraduates, regulatory authorities and the pharmaceutical industry.

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