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The new textiles : trends + traditions

Autor: Colchester, Chloë
Rok: 1993
ISBN: 9780500277379
OKCZID: 110867818
Vydání: 1. pbk. ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
COLCHESTER, Chloë. The new textiles: trends + traditions. 1. pbk. ed. London: Thames and Hudson, 1993. 192 s.



Throughout the world the last decade has seen a flowering of decorative textiles for furnishing and fashion, and of textiles as high art, while textile crafts and home weaving have enjoyed their own resurgence. Textiles are now a fast developing field nurtured by extraordinary public interest in many countries. Chloe Colchester draws together the diverse strands of this burgeoning textiles world, with dazzling reproductions of work by the best and most influential practitioners worldwide supplemented with analysis of the latest developments. Chloe Colchester has worked at the Centre Textile in Paris as exhibitions organizer and contributing editor for its review, "Textile Art Industries".

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