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Out of actions : between performance and the object 1949-1979 [Thames and Hudson]

Autor: Schimmel, Paul
Rok: 1998
ISBN: 9780500280508
OKCZID: 110177657
Vydání: 1. vyd.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SCHIMMEL, Paul a FERGUSON, Russell, ed. Out of actions: between performance and the object 1949-1979 [Thames and Hudson]. 1. vyd. London: Thames and Hudson, 1998. 407 s.

Hodnocení: 4.5 / 5 (6 hlasů)



The rise of performance art, and its merging with more traditional forms like painting and sculpture, is the great revolution of postwar art. Its links to theater, photography, music, dance, politics, and popular culture have made it especially appealing to contemporary artists in remote areas; more than any other movement in recent art, performance has found a place throughout the world. Covering three decades of significant and original art, this book features work by more than one hundred artists from the United States, South America, Eastern and Western Europe, and Japan who have had a profound impact on the relationship between visual and performance art in the postwar era. Among the artists included are Joseph Beuys, Chris Burden, John Cage, Lygia Clark, Yves Klein, Marta Minujin, Bruce Nauman, Hlio Oiticica, Claes Oldenburg, Yoko Ono, Robert Rauschenberg, Niki de Saint Phalle, Atsuko Tanaka, and Jean Tinguely. Their work encompasses performative objects such as sculpture, artists' publications, drawings, photographs, and ephemera that come from performances, as well as documentary film and video stills. Published in conjunction with a major exhibition, organized by The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Out of Actions illuminates the unique relationship between action, destruction, performance, and the creative process. Covering an unprecedented range of material, both nationally and temporally, the book offers the first critical comparisons of work that has previously been viewed as distinctly regional and unrelated. With essays by: * Paul Schimmel * Shinichiro Osaki * Hubert Klocker * Kristine Stiles * Guy Brett * Kellie Jones

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