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New media in the white cube and beyond : curatorial models for digital art

Rok: ©2008
ISBN: 9780520243972
ISBN: 9780520255975
OKCZID: 110747746

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
PAUL, Christiane, ed. New media in the white cube and beyond: curatorial models for digital art. Berkeley: University of California Press, [2008]. ix, 273 stran.



This provocative, cutting-edge anthology addresses the challenges of curating, presenting, and preserving new-media art--artworks that use digital technologies as media and emphasize process over object. As an art form that is inherently time based, dynamic, interactive, collaborative, customizable, and variable, new-media art resists objectification. It boldly challenges the traditional art world's customary methods of presentation and documentation as well as its approach to collection and preservation. Edited and introduced by Christiane Paul and featuring contributions by prominent practitioners--institutional and independent curators, theorists, and conservators--this volume charts developments in an exciting field and addresses the conceptual, philosophical, and practical issues of both curating and presenting new-media art.

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