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Autor: Hillson, Simon.
Rok: 1996.
ISBN: 9780521451949
ISBN: 9780521564397
OKCZID: 110414327
Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HILLSON, Simon. Dental anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. xv, 373 s.
Teeth are among the best sources of evidence for both identification purposes and studies of demography, biological relationships, and health in ancient human communities. The anthropologist's specimen may be a cast that a dentist has taken from a living mouth, or actual teeth from an archaeological site or forensic case. This text introduces the complex biology of teeth and provides a practical guide to all essential aspects of dental anthropology, including excavation, identification, microscopic study, and tooth age determination. Dental Anthropology is a concise yet comprehensive resource designed for students and researchers in anthropology and archaeology.