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Projekt ObalkyKnih.cz sdružuje různé zdroje informací o knížkách do jedné, snadno použitelné webové služby. Naše databáze v tuto chvíli obsahuje 2990253 obálek a 914631 obsahů českých a zahraničních publikací. Naše API využívá většina knihoven v ČR.
Rok: 1999
ISBN: 9780521643979
OKCZID: 110178027
Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ROBB, Cairo A., ed. International environmental law reports. 1st ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 40, 600 s.
Volume 1 includes a number of very early national decisions considered important in the development of international environmental law, whether because they were the background against which international decisions were shaped or because they are often referred to in commentaries and textbooks but are not widely available in English. Other decisions are included in Volume 1 because they are illustrative of national views of the content and direction of international law in this domain at the beginning of the twentieth century.