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Field Flora of the British Isles

Rok: 1999
ISBN: 9780521653152
OKCZID: 110230184



Field Flora of the British Isles provides a portable, comprehensive guide for those wishing to identify plants growing in the wild in the British Isles. Based on the author's now standard work, New Flora of the British Isles (2nd edition, 1997), this abridged version offers the same complete coverage and user-friendly features in a compact format that is particularly suitable for use in the field. The reduced length has been achieved by omitting the separate descriptions and many of the illustrations, while leaving the determination keys intact. In the new text Clive Stace provides additional information on growth habit, habitat, and distribution and identifies each taxon. Where appropriate, information has been updated, but no taxonomic changes or extra taxa have been incorporated. Twenty-seven pages of essential illustrations are included to aid the user, together with a comprehensive glossary and a concise index.

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