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Good faith in European contract law

Autor: Reinhard Zimmermann, Simon Whittaker
Rok: 2000
ISBN: 9780521771900
OKCZID: 110016610

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ZIMMERMANN, Reinhard, ed. a WHITTAKER, Simon, ed. Good faith in European contract law. 1st pub. New York, N.Y.: Cambridge University Press, 2000. xxxiii, 720 s. Cambridge studies in international and comparative law.



This book starts by surveying the use or neglect of good faith in European contract law and traces its historical origins. Its central part takes thirty hypothetical situations that have attracted the application of good faith and analyzes them according to fifteen national legal systems. It concludes by explaining how European lawyers, whether from a civil or common law background, need to come to terms with the principle of good faith.

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