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I'm a Believer

Rok: 2002
ISBN: 9780552770835
OKCZID: 110080946

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ADAMS, Jessica. I'm a believer. London: Black Swan, 2002. 379 s.



'I'm A Believer' is a funny, moving and sophisticated novel about Mark Buckle, a cynical primary teacher in south London who doesn't believe in anything, and absolutely, positively doesn't believe in life after death. Then, five days after his girlfriend, Catherine, dies in a car accident and he's trying to come to terms with his loss, she starts communicating with him and turns his world (and belief systems) upside-down. As the novel progresses, the truth about Mark's relationship with Catherine is revealed. And we encounter his friends and colleagues who provide support during this difficult time including Felix, a flamboyantly camp Australian, Caroline the Sloane who just longs to meet a nice man and Tess, drama teacher and practising Christian who starts to become increasingly attractive to Mark. Jessica Adams's characteristic humour is combined with an exploration of more serious issues that affect us all. 'I'm A Believer' is a wonderful novel about love, life and what lies beyond.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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